Saturday, February 1, 2014




"My little one is really gassy and suffers from colic in the evenings. I've been told to give her gripe water, but is gripe water safe for my baby?"
Colicky cries can mean a lot of pain for baby, and for you! No new mama likes to see (or hear) her sweetie in such discomfort. The good news is there are several remedies for calming these cries, and one of them is
 — an herbal remedy for teething pain and colic, gastrointestinal issues, or other stomach ailments.  and , where it was sold as a prescription medicine made from alcohol, bicarbonate, sugar, ginger, dill, fennel, and chamomile.
These days,
 is sold in many countries as an herbal supplement that is both alcohol and sucrose-free (since sucrose has been known to cause tooth decay). Sodium bicarbonate continues to be the main active ingredient along with fennel and dill. It is available in the US as an over-the-counter medicine and is regulated by the FDA. Some pediatricians recommend using gripe water as a remedy for colic, flatulence, or other tummy ailments. Just be sure to check with your doctor, though, before giving any kind of herbal supplement to your wee one.
If your doctor does give you the go ahead, follow these tips for choosing the best (and the safest) gripe water:
  • Read the ingredients carefully. Avoid brands that contain sodium bicarbonate. This can upset the pH levels in your tiny one’s tummy. Also look out for vegetable carbon (charcoal), as it may cause constipation or blackened stool. Gripe waters that are made from herbal oils are the safest and most natural options.
  • Read the instructions. Since some gripe-water brands have different ingredients, most have different instructions. So before tearing open the box, make sure to read the label carefully. Some brands recommend waiting until your baby is at least one month old. Also, almost every brand varies when it comes to how long you should use the product; so be sure to read up before you dole out doses.
  • Watch for allergies. There is a slight chance that your baby could be allergic to one or more of the ingredients in gripe water. Be on the lookout for allergenic symptoms including hives, itchiness, watery eyes, swelling of the lips or tongue, trouble swallowing or breathing, vomiting, or diarrhea.
If you’re not completely comfortable using an herbal remedy to calm your cutie’s cries, here are some other tips to try:
  • Switch formulas. A quick cure for some colicky babies could be a simple switch from using standard cow’s-milk formula to using one that doesn’t contain cow’s milk. Studies have found that hypoallergenic whey-hydrolyzed formula decreases colic symptoms in babies, but it’s important to note that these hypoallergenic formulas can be costly. Steer clear of casein-hydrolyzed formula, soy, or partially hydrolyzed formulas, since there is little evidence of their success.
  • Give an infant massage. A nice, relaxing rubdown is a soothing way to curb colicky cries. It’s also a great opportunity for mommy-and-baby bonding.
  • Swaddle away. Wrap up your little one nice and tight in a warm blanket. Try rocking and dancing while holding her in your arms for an extra soothing sensation.
  • Apply tummy pressure. Some colicky babies find relief when pressure is placed on their bellies. To do this, simply put your sweetie face down on your lap or sitting up on your lap with her tummy against your hand, and then gently rub or pat her back.
For more colic cures, read the colic survival guide.
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